Bristolian Jokes
Yer, ize 'ad a lot of fun translatin' classic jokes into Bristolian over the lass couple o' years, and theym always gert pop'lar when I puts 'em on me Professor of Bristolian Facebook page. Yer's a selection thass guaranteed to make thee awl laff!
Yer, thur wuz a little girl, like, wot lived in Ellsworth Road out Embray, an' she said to 'er muh, "yer, muh, can I take the dog for a walk, like?"
Er muh replies, "no, cuz sheeze on 'eat?"
"Wot do that mean, muh?" asked the lit lun.
"Ask thy awd man," says 'er muh. "Eeze out in the garage."
So the lit lun goes out to the garage an' says to 'er dad, "yer, dad, can I take Ninawl, arr lil doggie, out for a walk round the block? I asked arr muh but she says Ninawl's on 'eat!" So 'er dad took a rag, soaked it in petraw, an' scrubbed the dog's little arse to disguise the scent, like.
Er dad says, "ok, thees can go now bu' keep the dog on a leash, mind!" So the little girl takes the doggie out, along Crow Lane, up Monsdale Drive, along Keinton Walk an' back 'ome, bu' she arrives back 'ome wivout Ninawl, the doggie!
"Wur's Ninawl to?" asks 'er dad.
"She ran out o' petraw in Keinton Walk, an' now thur's another dog pushin' 'er 'ome!" says the lit lun.
Yer, Tony from Engrove ooze 30 years awd, met this woman in a bar down town. She wuz bout 60 but gert well-dressed an' still very attractive, mind. Anyway, she starts chattin' 'e up an eeze finkin', well, don't wanna grab a grannie bu' if she've got a daughter, she've gotta be the gert lushest bird in Bristol, bound to be a stunner, mind! Suddenly the gert mature lady goes to 'e, "thees ever 'ad a sportsman's double me luvlay?"
"Woss one o' they?" says Tony.
"Iss a threesome wiv a mother an' daughter."
Bleed nell, finks Tony, me lucks in yer! Anyway, they gets back to the lady's 'ouse in Ashton an' as they walks through the door she shouts out, "yer muh, you still awake?"
Yer, my mate Ken's missus bought a pet parrrot in one o' they pet shops down town, mind, Only cost 'er a fiver. She asked they at the pet shop, "why's e so cheap? Eeze a gert luvlay parrot, mind!"
Yer, I met me awd mate Kev, from the Mead, up the Maul in Cribbs yesserday. 'E drove into the car park in a gert massive Mercedes dinnee, mind. I goes to 'e, "Wur's get a car like that to ?"
Gloshire Farmer an' 'is Rooster
Yer, a Gloshire farmer come into Bristol to watch a film dinnee.
When 'e tried to buy a ticket at the cinemawl, the bloke at the desk said,
"yer, mate woss that on thy shoulder?"
"Iss me pet rooster, Chuck, innit," said the farmer. "'Chuck
goes wherever I goes."
"Sorry me babber," said the bloke at the desk. "We cassen't 'av
no animals in yer!"
So the Gloshire farmer goes round the corner and stuffs Chuck down 'is
trousers, dunnee. Then 'e buys a ticket and gets in to watch the film, no
probs. Inside 'e sits down by two awd ladies, Marj an' Cath.
The film starts, like, an' the rooster starts to squirm dunnee. So the farmer
open 'is flies so Chuck can stick 'is ead out, mind, an watch the film.
"Yer Marj," says Cath. "I fink I got a gert perv sittin' next to
"Why's fink that?" asks Marj.
"Eeze undone 'is trousers an' let 'is fing out!" says Cath.
"Don't worry bout that!" says Marj. "At arr age we seen 'em all
"I fawt that an awl," says Cath, "bu' this un's eatin' me pop
"Bleed nell!" 'e goes. "Woss that for?"
"Thass for that piece of paper in thy trouser pocket wiv the name Laurawl Loo writ on it!" says 'is missus.
"Oh no," 'e goes. "Laurawl Loo wuz the the name of the 'orse wot I bet on lass weekend. I bought thee flowers wiv the winnin's, mind!"
"Ize so sorry me luvlay," says 'is missus. "Shudda known thur wuz a gert good explanation."
The day after 'e wuz sittin' quietly watchin' the telly again when 'is missus whacked 'e gert 'ard wiv a fryin' pan this time, mind! Gert dazed, an' wiv a massive bump on 'is 'ead, 'e goes, "Ow! That gert 'urt summat rotten! Wot wuz that for?"
"Thy 'orse juss phoned!"
Wuz juss finkin', like, bout when I wuz at that restaurant San Carlawl's down town in Corn Street, mind. Awl evenin' I 'ad this gert irrepressible urge to fart. Strangely, the music that night wuz gert loud, so loud that I fawt "I can fart yer, no problem, no one's gonna notice." After fartin' to the rhythm of the music for two songs I wuz feelin' so much better but I cudden't unnerstand why awl the other customers wuz starin' at I. Then I noticed that I wuz lisnin' to the music on me Ipod wonneye!
I goes, "yer, I likes thy accent. You two ladies, yoom from Liverpawl?"
A Couple Doin' Nawtays up Blaise Woods
One of 'em goes: "Yer Sandrawl, 'ow dost thee spell 'scrotum'?"
Yer, seen a group of teenagers outside the Coop in Crow Lane, Embray earlier today. They asked I if I could go in an' get 'em 20 Richmonds. No probs I fawt. So I goes in, buys 'em, then comes out an' gives the packet to they teenagers. Bleed nell! I got gbh of the ear'ole wiv awl the abuse they give I! They cawd I a twat, a tosser an' much much worse.
The Meader an' the Priest on the Number Two Bus
Yer, thur wuz a young kiddie got on the Number 2 bus out Soufmead, to go into town, like, an sat next to a bloke wot wuz readin' a book, mind. The young kiddie noticed the bloke 'ad his collar on backwards an' asked 'e why. The bloke, oo wuz a priest, goes, "I am a Father."
The priest goes, "I am the Father of many."
The young kiddie replies, "arr dad's a father of 7 kiddies by arr muh an 6 by 'is first wife, bu' 'e still don't wear 'is collar like that, mind!"
The priest wuz gettin' impatient by now an said, "I am the Father of hundreds!" an' tried to ge' on wiv readin' 'is book.
The young kiddie sat thur quietly finkin' for a few seconds, mind, then tawd the priest, "Maybe thees shud wear a condom, mate, an' put thy pants on backwards instead of thy collar!"
Lit Lun's Fear Of Cockroaches
Yer, when I wuz a lit lun I used to be afraid of earwigs, mind, cuz I fawt they lived in me ear. I cassen't even start to tawk 'bout me fear of cockroaches!
Walkin' back to the bog wiv me pants an' trousers round me ankawls wuz a walk o' shame, mind, speshly wiv The Sun newspaper in me 'and!
Yer, me mate's missus wuz most insulted an' complained the doctor wuz sexist when she went for a gert medical examination yesserday. Yeah, 'e goes to she:
So me mate's missus starts takin' off 'er bra an' panties don't she, bu' the doctor stopped 'er 'fore she dooze the full monty an' 'e says to she:
"No, don't wanna see none o' that, mind! Juss stick out thy tongue me luvlay!"
Yer, I wuz down town in King Street yesserday when I seen two nuns ridin' thur bicycles. Funny wot they said, mind! One goes: "I never cum this way before!"
The Barman an' the Gorillawl
Yer, I wuz in the pub lass night gettin' zidered up when this gorillawl walks in dunnee! Yeah, an' 'e says to the barman, "thees got any bananawls?"
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