Me Faverit Drawlin's Wot I Done

As a Professor of Bristolian one of the fings wot I likes doin', 'n encouragin' me students a do, is drawlin'. So I fawt it 'ud be a good ideawl to share some o' me faverit drawlin's wot I done wiv thee 'n tawk a bit bout the stories 'n nostalgiawl connected wiv some of 'em.

I growed up in Norf Bristol dinneye, in Brent-ree tween the Mead 'n Embray, tho Brent-ree is more like a estension of Embray than any of they udder districks next to it. I done quite a few drawlin's of buildin's 'n that in Embray, speshly up Blaise. One o' me faverits is this 'un of a cottage up Blaise 'Amlet. 

I ain't got no funny stories wot I can tell thee bout goin up thur, mind. Usually, I bin up thur wiv friends 'n that wot ain't from Bristol, to show 'em wot a pretty place thur wuz on me doorstep, second only to that rank o' shops in Crow Lane (no, ize jokin'!). They cottages up Blaise Amlet is gert lush 'n they adds to the rich cawltral 'istree of arr fair city, dunnem mind?

When I wuz a teenager I spent a lotta time up Blaise, playin' football, chattin' up they teenage girls from wot wuz then Embray Compre'ensive Scaw (wivout a lotta success, mind!) 'n doin' a bit of underage drinkin'. We wuz always walkin' pass the 'Ouse 'n Museum below, like, juss after we walked thru the entrance. Wuzz juss outside yer wur a get macky meader said to I, "Yer, bastard features, wanna scrap?" Course, I refused 'is polite request cuz I wuz goin' 'ome!

Few years later, like, when I wuz in me late teens 'n after I'd finished at scaw 'n wuz workin' I 'ad this girlfriend from Briz wot I used to meet outside St Mary on the Quay church on the centre on a Sunday afternoon. For reasons bess known to meself we used to walk awl the way up to Clifton dinnus?! In them days it weren't quite so posh 'n thur wuz a gert loada students 'n 'ippies wot lived in bedsits thur. Anyway, I members that we used to go in a lot of caffs 'n pubs nurr to this gert macky church dinnus.
Course most o' me mates ('n me) 'as moved away from the Embray 'n Brent-ree areawl now. Some of 'em as moved to posher areawls like Wessbree, so iss juss a quick walk for they on a Sunday lunchtime to that pub The Victoria(wl) for a decent pint 'n a nice pub meal, innit, mind!
Finally, it udden't be right to be a Professor of Bristolian 'n not do a drawlin' of the famous Wills Memoriawl Buildin' woss part of the university yer in Bristol, mind!


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