Some Classic Videos To Help With Bristolian Pronunciation

Here are some classic videos to help you practise your Bristolian pronuciation. You will see that underneath the Bristolian text there is a translation of the text into English. This should be a great help to you in understanding the beautiful Bristolian language.

1. Bristolian Talkin' Tom's Bristol Accent Oozes Sexines!

Awl rite me awd babs? Yer, I bin watchin' Youtube 'n I seen that so-cawd comic Russell 'Oward. Eeze frum Fornbree, right? Which is near Bristol, like. 'E av said tha' iss impossible to sound sexy wiv a Wess Cuntray accent. Woss 'e bleedin' on bout? I speaks wiv a Bristol accent. Yeah, 'n every time I speaks I oozes sexiness dunneye?! Yeah, awl they lady Bristolian cats, they gert swoons over I when I speaks. I dunno 'ow Pretty Kitty puts up wiv it awl. Thees wrong Russell 'Oward!
English translation:-
Hello my friends. By the way, I've been watching Youtube and I've seen that that so-called comic Russell Howard - he's from Thornbury isn't he? (which is near Bristol) - he said that it's impossible to sound sexy with a West Country accent. What on earth is he talking about? I speak with a Bristol accent. Yes, and every time I speak I ooze sexiness don't I?! Yes, all those lady Bristolian cats swoon over me when I speak. I don't know how Pretty Kitty puts up with it all. You're wrong Russell Howard!

2. Ank The Andsome Dog Frum Ore Field Celebrates Bristol Rovers' Promotion (May 2016)

Awl rite me awd babs? Ank the andsome dog from Ore Field yer. Today I'm ou'side the Mem 'n iss a bit quie'er yer than it wuz yesserday cuz yesserday I wuz in the crowd, like, 'n it wuz gert pandawlmonium when Rovers scored, thass Bristol Rovers, scored the winnin' gawl in the ninety-second minute, which means they gets promoted. 'N I wuz singin' Goodnight Irene 'n this gas'ead nexx to I says: "Cor, this is barkin' mad, a singin' dog, am I zidered up or wot?"
English translation:-
Hello my friends. It's Hank the handsome dog from Horfield here. Today I'm outside the Memorial Stadium and it's a bit quieter than yesterday because yesterday I was in the crowd and it was pandemonium when Bristol Rovers scored the winning goal in the 92nd minute, which means they get pomoted. And I was singing Goodnight Irene and the Bristol Rovers' fan next to me said: "This is bizarre, a singing dog, am I inebriated from having drunk too much cider?"

3. Bristolian Talkin' Tom Wudda Bin a God In Ancient Egypt

Awl rite me awd muckers? Yer, I juss opened a Twi'er account anneye, 'n smornen I wrote on it 'ow we cats wuz worshipped as Gods in Ancient Egypt wonnus?! Yeah, 'n I bet we used to speak Bristolian then 'n awl dinnus?! Yeah, if the Pharoah said summat like "come yer moggie" to one of us I know wot we wudda said, like. Yeah, we'da said. "Even if thee bist be the Pharoah thees cassen't speak to I like that. Ize a gert God, like!" Yeah, so juss remember that me babbers, in Ancient Egypt we cats wuz Gods!
English translation:-
How is it my friends? By the way, I've just opened a Twitter account haven't I, and this morning I wrote on it about how we cats were worshipped as Gods in Ancient Egypt, were we not?! Yes, and no doubt we spoke Bristolian then as well didn't we?! Yes, if the Pharoah had said something like "come here moggie" to one of us I know just how we would have responded. Yes, we would have said: "Even if you happen to be the Pharoah you cannot speak to me like that. I am a God!" Yes, so just remember, my friends, that in Ancient Egypt we cats were worshipped as Gods!


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