
Showing posts from November, 2021

Bristolian Jokes

Yer, ize 'ad a lot of fun translatin' classic jokes into Bristolian over the lass couple o' years, and theym always gert pop'lar when I puts 'em on me  Professor of Bristolian  Facebook page. Yer's a selection thass guaranteed to make thee awl laff!       Takin' the Doggie Out for a Walk Out Embray     Yer, thur wuz a little girl, like, wot lived in Ellsworth Road out Embray, an' she said to 'er muh, "yer, muh, can I take the dog for a walk, like?"  Er muh replies, "no, cuz sheeze on 'eat?"  "Wot do that mean, muh?" asked the lit lun.  "Ask thy awd man," says 'er muh. "Eeze out in the garage."  So the lit lun goes out to the garage an' says to 'er dad, "yer, dad, can I take Ninawl, arr lil doggie, out for a walk round the block? I asked arr muh but she says Ninawl's on 'eat!" So 'er dad took a rag, soaked it in petraw, an' scrubbed the dog's little arse to