
Showing posts from June, 2019

Guide To Goin' Naked In Bristol

To tell thee the truth it ain't a good ideawl to go naked in Bristol too often, unless iss part of a event like that Bristol Naked Bike Ride wot they dooze to 'ighlight 'ow vulnerable they cyclists is. Well, thass fair enuff innit, mind. Or if thees wants a dine naked in Bristol , iss possible. Whatever floats thy boat, innit, mind. But if yoom finkin' of goin' naked juss for the crack , well, it ain't gonna get thee many friends in awl probabilitay. I mean, not everyone wants a see awl they dangly bits or wobbly bits or spare tyres do 'em? 'N awl that flesh on display ain't to everyone's taste, mind. But if thees wants to dare to go bare in Bristol yer's some advice:- 1. If someone stares at thee wiv a look of astonishment don't say to 'em: "thees doggin' I up ?"  It ain't gonna end well, in awl probabilitay. Yoom more vulnerable physically when thees naked. 2. If yoom a bloke an' a policeman arrests thee