
Showing posts from March, 2018

Me Faverit Drawlin's Wot I Done

As a Professor of Bristolian one of the fings wot I likes doin', 'n encouragin' me students a do, is drawlin'. So I fawt it 'ud be a good ideawl to share some o' me faverit drawlin's wot I done wiv thee 'n tawk a bit bout the stories 'n nostalgiawl connected wiv some of 'em. I growed up in Norf Bristol dinneye, in Brent-ree tween the Mead 'n Embray, tho Brent-ree is more like a estension of Embray than any of they udder districks next to it. I done quite a few drawlin's of buildin's 'n that in Embray, speshly up Blaise . One o' me faverits is this 'un of a cottage up Blaise 'Amlet.  I ain't got no funny stories wot I can tell thee bout goin up thur, mind. Usually, I bin up thur wiv friends 'n that wot ain't from Bristol, to show 'em wot a pretty place thur wuz on me doorstep, second only to that rank o' shops in Crow Lane (no, ize jokin'!). They cottages up Blaise Amlet is gert lush '